OCJ Photo Gallery
This software is totally different from the OCJ (forum) software. Your ID and password WILL NOT WORK in the photo gallery.
Guests cannot see - only if you log in OCJ - use these IDs and password for the photo gallery only. Please do not change them as they are for all members to use.Use any one you like.

It is easy to upload photos to the OCJ gallery
Important Information
This software is totally different from the OCJ (forum) software. Your ID and password WILL NOT WORK in the photo gallery.
Login for the photo gallery is top right corner.
After you log in you will see in the top menu ' Upload Photos'.
Click that and choose which album to upload into. Access is only to OCJ MEMBER ALBUMS.
You cannot upload in others like 2023, 2022, 2019 etc. Those are now closed.
After a few months the album will be 'cleaned up' and selected smaller photos used for the future.
During that first few months you can download photos from other members - full size for yourself. Remember the owner of the photos has copyright. Do not use for other purposes without their permission.