Private Car Sharing and Hire Car Sharing Rules (costs)

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Andy OCJ
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Private Car Sharing and Hire Car Sharing Rules (costs)

Post by Andy OCJ »

Updated March 2023 for rules and petrol costs at about 160yen/litre.

Private Car Sharing

A few basic rules for private car sharing:
1. If the driver is fined for a traffic violation (their own fault), then they pay the fine - not shared between members travelling with them.
2. If there is a breakdown then the driver alone pays for that repair or recovery.
3. If there is a mechanical breakdown and the car cannot be used then each person pays their own cost for the remaining journey by other transport. The driver is not responsible to pay for transport for other people.
4. If needed the driver should set a cancellation policy to pay for the cost if someone cancels very late.

This calculation of costs is for people who use their own private vehicle to take others on OCJ events. The guide cost of 12yen/km is for gas and tolls (any parking charges are shared equally between everyone (including the driver). The driver may benefit if 3-5 people in the car but they have cost of car servicing (depends on miles), also tyre use and maintenance. Inconvenience of cleaning etc.

1. Passengers pay 12yen/km IF THIS IS ENOUGH TO PAY FOR total cost of gas and tolls, or the leftover cost for the driver is less than the passengers pay.
Maybe the driver goes free or pays less than the passengers. THE DRIVER NEVER PAYS MORE THAN THE PASSENGERS.

2. Obviously the driver never pays more than the passengers - in this case everyone pays the same and the total cost is shared equally between passengers and driver.

If car sharing the cost should be about half the cost of public transport (about 10-12yen/km) but that depends on how many in the car, and if the car is economical.


Hire Car Sharing
Everyone pays the same using hire cars - including the driver (not cheaper than passengers). Just divide the total cost between everyone equally at the end of the trip.
The driver should set a cancellation policy to pay for the cost if someone cancels very late.

People should agree the type of insurance to be paid - any damage costs are paid by everyone and shared equally.
Any fines for driving law violations are paid by the driver only.


Drivers should keep paper receipt for toll cost, or everyone checks the electronic toll cost display sign passing through the gate (for toll card holders - not estimates).
Gas should be the same - check the tank level before leaving and fill to same level on return. Start full tank - finish full tank best. Calculate from the pick up point - remember everyone pays to travel there.

Voted on and now OCJ policy.


Tokyo to Hakuba for Alps trip.

Distance is around 280km oneway.

Public Transport Cost
By local train or bus it would cost about 5,500 to 5800yen oneway so the cost per km is about 20yen/km.

Average Cost by Car


160yen/litre for petrol/gas.
Average 10km/litre (depends on car though)
Highway toll of +6000yen oneway.

Total round trip cost by car about ...

560km / 10km/litre * 160yen/litre = about 9,000yen for gas.
Highway tolls = +12000yen.

Total round trip cost for everyone to Hakuba by private car about 22,000yen

The cost of the trip going by public transport would be about 11.500yen per person (round trip cost).

OCJ car sharing rule.
Guide price at 12yen/km for passengers = 6700yen (580km * 12yen/km) return/round-trip.
It is much cheaper than public transport... usually about half price.

Actual total cost by car = 22,000yen (for everyone together).
If 4 passengers then each passenger pays 6700yen (driver does not pay and gains 4,800yen)
If 3 passengers then each passenger pays 6700yen (driver pays 1,900yen - leftover cost)

If 2 passengers then 6700yen each (13,400) is not enough to cover cost even if the driver pays 6,700yen so everyone pays the same 22,000/3= 7,300yen
Driver pays same as passengers.

If 1 passenger they the driver pays the same as the passenger = 11,000yen.


If driving a large personal van with many people then the driver should not gain a lot of money by driving. 5000yen driver benefit is the limit. After that the passenger cost must be reduced.
Last edited by Andy OCJ on Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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