1. Everything in Club Information & How to Join [入会]
2. To become a member you sign up to the club rules, please follow them Club Rules クラブのルール
3. IMPORTANT! How to Get Event Emails, Notifications[イベント電子メールと通知]

4. How to Join Events [イベント参加方法]
5. How to Make Events[イベント主催方法]
6. Do not put your phone number or email on event pages - use the travel contact mChat box in the top menu. If you do put your contact details on event pages, then ask the website manager to delete it, there will be a fee per item.
7. Cancelling - IMPORTANT!
Do not sign up and then delete your comment (reply) to cancel. The organizer might not see you deleted your sign up. It causes trouble with reservations and people on waiting lists.
Just make a new reply telling the organizer you are cancelling. Remember - there might be charges if transport or rooms are reserved.
Profile Photo (プロフィール写真)
Please add a photo to your profile - other members can find you at the event meeting place!
user control panel and profile
Delete Account Yourself
If you want to leave OCJ then delete your account from your User Control Panel in the top menu User Control Panel
Do not ask Admin to do it for you! It is free, you registered - you delete it.