Social events for 1 day are different as anyone can join if they take responsibility for themselves.
Anything like transport, accommodation, or gear hire costs are paid by members.
There is also a small event fee for organizer and club costs. Please collect 500yen/day from members. Send half of this to the club PayPal account for website costs. Event organizers do not need to contribute

The other half is kept by the organizer for the cost of maps,safety gear, organizing costs. There are rules about car sharing in the information section.
You can ask participants to help you plan. Also on large events everyone can do jobs (like BBQ camp).
Organizers should set conditions for cancelling if charges are needed for reservations - buses, trains, rooms, or hire cars.
Posting Events
1. Click 'New Topic'.
2. Enter details with these titles - copy and paste:
Title & Date:
Event Grade (イベント等級)
Sign Up Conditions, Contact Details
Things to Bring (持参もの)
Travel Details, Meeting Time & Place (旅行の詳細, 集合時間と場所)
Cancellation or Changes
OCJ is funded by 500yen/day event attendance. Collected by organizer who sends half of that to the club PayPal account for website costs.
3. At the bottom make sure the notify box is checked to get get emails if people reply.
Also in the calendar section add the title (with no date). Set the calendar dates.
4. When finished click 'Submit' - all done!
Best to put phone number, email contact etc in the chatbox.
All conversations on the train and for meeting point should be in the chatbox - not reply on the event page.
Event replies might become public and each reply sends an email to all members subscribed to the topic.